czwartek, 28 kwietnia 2016

Mz Pets

I would like to have a Dinosaur. They are great pets, because they are interesting. They need to go outside everyday. They eat cows and my enemies. My dinosaur is carcharodontosaurus . It is fourteen  meters  long. It likes hunting.

czwartek, 22 października 2015

My lesson plan

On Monday I have got  maths,english,polish,history|science,history,art and craft.
on Tuesday I have got  polish,maths,libriary,maths,PE.
on Wednesday I have got polish, Polish, ICT.

wtorek, 26 maja 2015

Invitation to Konarzewo

I live in a village Konarzewo.
There are many  interesting places to see here.

2. The school

                                     1. The palace 

3.The church

wtorek, 5 maja 2015

Holiday plans

Do wyrażenia przyszłości używamy "going to".

My holiday plans:

1. I am going to play with my dog.
2. I am going to play computer games - Mine Craft or Good Game Empire
3. I am going to draw robots.

wtorek, 14 kwietnia 2015